Old to New

It's time to update
B2B growth

Everything you need for smarter growth plays.

The old B2B growth playbook isn’t effective in today’s dynamic market. The symptoms are everywhere.

To grow, your B2B GTM team has to execute smarter growth strategies that align marketing and sales with modern buyer behavior, leverage technology and data, and drive revenue efficiently. But doing this work is complex, urgent, and high stakes. 

You need a proven, expert approach. That’s why we created this Growth Play Success Kit. We’re giving you the same frameworks, templates, strategies and tactics we use every day to create ICP pipeline and revenue growth with our clients.

This expert Growth Play Success Kit will help you:

  • Recognize the symptoms of an outdated playbook
  • Understand how B2B buyer behavior and GTM strategies have evolved
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current growth plays 
  • Develop smarter, more effective growth plays
  • Align your entire GTM team 
New B2B Growth Playbook display

What you'll get when you
download your copy:

  • 45 pages of proven frameworks, templates, advice, insights, and fresh research
  • A clear definition of what the old playbook looks like and where it came from
  • How to choose the right growth play for your growth goals
  • The 5-step process for creating efficient, integrated growth plays
  • Expert tips on exactly how and where to start
  • The mistakes that GTM teams make—and how to avoid them
Download your Success Kit

Thought leaders are calling for
better playbooks.

Jon Miller

Co-founder Marketo, Engagio

CMO/CPO Demandbase

“The era of growth at all costs is over. Today’s B2B revenue leaders are being held accountable for delivering efficient, sustainable growth — and that requires a new playbook.”

Download your
New Playbook Success Kit.

Equip your GTM teams with the research, frameworks, and expert guidance to build efficient growth. 

Download your New Playbook Success Kit

Book time with an
ID growth play expert.

Intelligent Demand has driven smarter growth for over a decade across hundreds of companies, industries and use cases. This means we’ve likely seen and solved your growth challenge before.

Reach out to talk shop with an ID growth play expert. We’ll help you connect your goals to better outcomes—fast.

© 2024 Intelligent Demand

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