Intelligent Demand (ID), an agency partner who transforms the way companies grow revenue, today announced Natalie Holtgrewe and Rachel Reynolds were both promoted to Group Director, Growth Strategy.

“Natalie and Rachel both have a proven track record of leading agency and client teams to do great things,” ID’s CEO, John Common said. “I can’t wait to see how they’ll both adapt to and grow in their new roles.”
The Group Director (GD) is a central and strategic leadership role at ID that connects client needs and goals with ID’s capabilities and teams. Previously Account Directors at ID, Natalie and Rachel lead entire, holistic engagement with our clients, translate insights into strategy, and strategy into impactful programs that deliver measurable results.
“This promotion puts me in the envious position of leading an extremely talented and diverse group of experts in growing revenue for our clients,” Rachel said.
Natalie and Rachel come to this role with unique and deep sets of experience and education across many industries and use cases on both the client- and agency-side.
“I’m thrilled about my new role,” Natalie said. “It’s an honor to lead a team of exceptionally capable modern marketers in service to and partnership with an enviable list of clients.”
Intelligent Demand is a full service, integrated revenue agency that specializes in growing companies who have complex marketing and sales use cases. But we don’t just help our clients make a one-time sales impact; we transform the way they grow revenue so that it is strategic, scalable, modern, and measurable. And we do this using an integrated, holistic methodology we call Real Revenue TransformationTM. Learn more at