Video Series: How to Fuel Your ABM Engine with High-Value Offers (HVOs)

Resource Center > Video Series: How to Fuel Your ABM Engine with High-Value Offers (HVOs)

Resource Center > Video Series: How to Fuel Your ABM Engine with High-Value Offers (HVOs)

The buzz around Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is unavoidable. Everyone’s talking about its potential to close deals more efficiently and effectively. But, did you know that really good ABM can close 6-11% of your target accounts? When executed correctly, ABM is not just another strategy; it’s a game-changer that helps you zero in on high-value prospects and convert them into loyal customers.

However, here’s the kicker. Most ABM programs unfortunately fall short of achieving these impressive closure rates. Why? Because many lack a critical piece—the High-Value Offer (HVO). The secret to unlocking engagement with your highest priority accounts lies in crafting offers that resonate deeply with their needs and challenges. In this video series, we’ll explore how to uplevel your ABM game with HVOs, offering insights and actionable steps to transform your marketing efforts with Aaron Owens, Senior Director of Growth Consulting.

Part 1: 🚀 What is the #1 thing that drives ABM/ABX results?
Part 2: 🚀 What are the five types of High-Value Offers (HVOs) that drive ABX results?
Part 3: What’s the top-performing high-value offer (HVO) driving success in account-based marketing and account-based experience programs this year?
Part 4: 🚀 How do you know if your High-Value Offer (HVO) sucks?
Part 5: How to use HVOs within your integrated Account-Based (ABM/ABX) program

Apply for a tailored HVO workshop

Apply for a tailored HVO workshop to craft winning HVOs that convert your target accounts after you check out the video series.