Lessons Learned in Season 1, & What to Expect in Season 2

Resource Center > Lessons Learned in Season 1, & What to Expect in Season 2

Resource Center > Lessons Learned in Season 1, & What to Expect in Season 2

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About the Author

John Common

John is Intelligent Demand’s founder, chief strategist and CEO. His energy and enthusiasm for transforming companies with modern approaches to marketing, sales, and customer success is palpable.

If you’d told me a year ago that Intelligent Demand would be launching a podcast, I might have thought you were crazy. Starting the Growth Driver show felt like an ambitious leap—one that I wasn’t sure we were ready for. But here we are, with Season 1 behind us, 17 incredible episodes aired, and Season 2 already in the works.

Why We Started Growth Driver

We didn’t dive into this just to tick a box or because podcasts are trendy. We saw a gap—a real need for a space where B2B growth leaders could come together to have the kind of deep, unfiltered conversations that just aren’t happening elsewhere. We’re already having these discussions with our clients and partners daily, but we realized that these insights could genuinely help others who are grappling with the same challenges.

But it’s not just about sharing knowledge. We wanted to build something more—a community of like-minded individuals who are tired of the same old tactics and ready to redefine what B2B growth looks like today. It’s about relationship-building that transcends the usual transactional nature of business. We’re connecting with people on a human level, something that’s increasingly rare in our digital-first world.

Facing My Doubts Head-On

I’ll be honest—launching Growth Driver was daunting. Imposter syndrome hit hard: “Do I really have anything valuable to say?” “What if no one listens?” The fear of coming across as self-promotional or, worse, failing spectacularly, kept me up at night.

But here’s what I learned: magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone. By embracing the uncertainty and just going for it, we’ve created something that not only resonates with our audience but also energizes our entire team.

Lessons Learned from Season 1

Looking back on Season 1, several things stand out to me:

  1. Define Success on Your Own Terms: Success isn’t about instant gratification. It’s about creating meaningful content that slowly but surely makes an impact.
  2. Teamwork Makes It Happen: I couldn’t have done this alone. Our team’s creativity, dedication, and hard work have been the backbone of this show.
  3. Integration is Key: Growth Driver isn’t a standalone effort. It’s a core part of our broader growth and brand strategy, seamlessly woven into everything we do at Intelligent Demand.
  4. It’s a Slow Burn: Building something worthwhile takes time. The slow and steady approach has been rewarding in ways I didn’t expect.
  5. And Yes, It’s Fun: Despite all the work, or maybe because of it, hosting this podcast has been genuinely enjoyable. It’s a chance to explore big ideas, learn from industry leaders, and just have great conversations.

Looking Ahead to Season 2

We’re thrilled about what’s coming next. Season 2 is shaping up to be even more exciting, with more amazing guests and deeper dives into the topics that matter most to B2B growth leaders. I’m especially excited about the new “Expert Deep Dives” segment, where Aaron Owens, our Head of Growth Consulting, will be getting into the nitty-gritty with real-deal experts across all areas of modern B2B revenue growth.

You can count on:
  • Practitioner conversations that go beyond theory.
  • In-depth analysis of current trends, benchmarks, and emerging best practices.
  • Practical advice, templates, and case studies you can apply immediately.
  • Opportunities to engage with our growing community, both online and at special events, exclusively for Growth Driver listeners.

And this is just the beginning. We’ve got episodes lined up on everything from modern approaches to growth analytics and funnel reporting, to the latest in AI applications for B2B marketing.

Join our community

Your support and feedback mean the world to us, and I can’t wait to share what’s next. If there’s a topic or guest you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. And if you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe to Growth Driver on your favorite podcast platform, follow us on social media, and join our community as we work to redefine what B2B growth looks like today.

Let’s keep growing together.

See you soon on Season 2,

John Common
Host, Growth Driver
Founder & CEO, Intelligent Demand

P.S. Your trust and time are incredibly valuable to us, and we don’t take that lightly. Thank you for being part of this journey.