The Denver / Boulder ABM MeetUp
The Denver/Boulder ABM Meetup is back! The hype around account based is not slowing down, which is why we are relaunching the ABM Meetup on Wednesday, November 6th.
The topic? Designing and scaling an account based pilot.
What the group is all about…
As you know by now, account based marketing (ABM) is the fastest growing strategy taking the B2B marketing world by storm! That being said, account based is still very much in its infancy, so marketers are still discovering best practices for successful strategies. This group was founded to provide a forum for B2B marketing and sales professionals (we call them revenue leaders) to discuss their challenges, best practices, and to learn from each other’s successes and failures.
Our focus is account based, but we will cover the tactics, the technologies, and the tools that leading account based teams are leveraging to get the job done. We will bring in expert speakers, revenue leaders, growth agents, and technology and service providers to lead the conversations, but we want your participation along the way.
The ABM Meetup 2.0 – November 6, 2019
Intelligent Demand Group Director, Growth Strategy Julie Steven will be kicking off the event with her take on a real world approach to designing an account based pilot based on a real ID client success story. Julie is one of Intelligent Demand’s Certified Account Based Strategists and will offer attendees expert advice and insights on getting a pilot into market FAST when time, budget, and resources are limited – and also how to overcome the challenge of cross-functional misalignment.
Gavin McKelvey will also be on the agenda, bringing a unique and valuable brand-side perspective to the account based conversation. Gavin is an industry veteran, consultant, and former VP of Corporate Marketing at GTT. He was instrumental in transforming the marketing operations and organic growth strategy at GTT.
Why attend?
Together, the speakers from Intelligent Demand will teach the ABM Meetup attendees how our agencies are helping clients accelerate revenue with an account based approach and the challenges they’ve faced along the way. Attendees will walk away with tips, tools, and insights into how to architect a winning account based program and get the chance to ask Julie and Gavin questions during a live Q&A at the conclusion of the event – including how they helped develop the EXPY 2019 Best Marketing Campaign of the Year.
Throughout 2020, we will be teaming up with more technology and service providers, as well as brands and revenue leaders who are changing the way B2B companies across Colorado are growing revenue using an account based approach. The ABM Meetup will be hosted quarterly – with new speakers each event – and although the topic will always tie to account based, we’ll be exploring new ways to accelerate revenue with the best-of-breed technologies, methodologies, and best practices in modern B2B marketing.
If you would like to speak at an upcoming event or host one of our 2020 ABM MeetUps at your office or venue, email Paige Montgomery at paige.montgomery@intelligentdemand.com.
The next event:
Designing & Scaling an Account Based Pilot
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Elevated Third Offices
535 16th St Mall Suite 900, Denver, CO 80202
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Breakfast will be served at 9:00AM
Julie Steven, Group Director Growth Strategy, Intelligent Demand
Judd Mercer, Creative Director, Elevated Third
Julie Steven
Judd Mercer
Gavin McKelvey, Consultant
Avoid costly ABM mistakes that hurt your reputation and your revenue:
Is your company preparing for ABM? Is your company piloting? Is your company scaling successful ABM? Is your company innovating?
Whichever you pick, over the next several weeks, Intelligent Demand’s team of certified ABM experts are going to give you real world, pragmatic tips that will help you use an account based approach to improve revenue performance at your company. At the end, you will have the knowledge of a certified account based practitioner and the practical advice to lead your team to account based success.
Opt in to receive real world, expert practitioner level content tailored for exactly where your company is in its account based journey: