Connecting Your Campaigns to Social Justice Transformation
At Intelligent Demand, our purpose centers around transformation: to transform marketers into revenue leaders. And, to best empower our clients on their transformation journey, our approach requires that we have the courage to listen without prejudging, enough curiosity to inquire without supposing an answer, and a willingness to see the client as co-equal in a shared journey.
At times, the revenue transformation process can feel uncomfortable, painful, and scary. Deciding that a change is needed and then working toward that goal together can take time. And yet, there are times we have to expedite this timeline because business as usual has to change. Which, while true for how we help our clients grow revenue, rings just as true for how we as companies and individuals are likely feeling just 6 months into 2020.
A pervasive sense of being uncomfortable, in pain, and/or being scared exists today. And while COVID-19 may have kicked things off, escalating tensions between systemic beliefs and behaviors in our nation highlighted by the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many, many more have further proven that we need transformation.
Staying the course – or simply doing nothing – is no longer acceptable. So, we began asking ourselves how we could begin to make a positive change within our spheres of influence. We know that when we work hard for change and band together with others — and remain true to our transformation process by listening while remaining courageous, curious and willing — growth and progress occur.
As marketers we have a real opportunity to drive positive change — beyond the bounds of revenue. That is why we are offering $5,000 in free Intelligent Demand agency services for any qualified client that would like our assistance in connecting their marketing to accelerating social justice transformation before the end of 2020.
We are all witnessing an awakening in the corporate world regarding social justice and are proud to play a role, however small, in expanding awareness, education, and impact. And, we would love to support your efforts to drive change here as well.
There will always be reasons as to why something cannot be done, or even conceived of. And we understand that taking us up on our offer may be an uncomfortable or scary ask. But if you believe that growth and transformation are an absolute necessity right now, taking action is easier than you think. The first step is deciding that your company can and should make a difference.
How you can make a difference and what that may look like in action is what we’re here to help with! Here are 7 ideas to help get your mind turning…
7 Ideas for how you could connect your campaigns to social justice transformation
- Offer your company’s services at a discount or for free — for organizations who are actively supporting and fighting for social justice. Show them you see them and that you value their commitment to positive change.
- Amplify your customers’ social justice efforts by offering to match a portion of their donations to a worthy nonprofit. Join forces with them for good!
- For every ‘Request for More Info’ form submission received, respond with an automated email letting the individual know their request was received. In this email, include a ‘You May be Interested in’ section with content offers that link out to a mixture of your own owned content and curated social justice topics or nonprofit organizations that your company supports.
- Do something special for every customer of yours that moves off the sidelines, makes a public stance, and steps deeper into action for positive social change. You could offer them a special price on your services for a period of time, or offer a special value added offer, for instance.
- Offer to donate a set amount to a worthy cause of your choice when someone downloads premium content on your website, attends an invite-only, virtual ABM event, etc.
- Add a new section to your company’s online resource center that offers curated, educational social justice content, or opportunities to volunteer or show support in the communities where your company works.
- Tell and share your own company’s real stories of what it’s like to change from the inside — the uncomfortable moments, tough conversations, challenges, decisions and wins that your company is experiencing. Lead the way by communicating how, when and where your company is volunteering, supporting, protesting or advocating for social change, diversity, fairness and inclusion. Give your customers, prospects and partners an authentic window into your process — to help them know they can do it too.
Of course, these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many ways there are to contribute and get involved in fighting for positive growth and change. These are extraordinary times, and as marketers we are extraordinarily positioned to make a difference. Growth can mean more than just revenue.
I hope you will let us join you. Take us up on our offer, and together we can help each other on our journey of driving social justice transformation. Reach out to anyone at Intelligent Demand if you are interested. We’re excited to talk with you.
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